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A derrick crane is a specific style of lifting machine. It is usually a fixed crane, meaning it is assembled and disassembled in the location where it is used, although there are some very small mobile styles. Generally, a derrick crane is characterized by its long, fixed length tower. Since a derrick crane has a fixed tower and is usually immobile, these cranes are used in locations where items need to be moved from a common initial point to single nearby location. These places include shipping platforms and construction sites.

This crane is composed of a tower that pivots at the base, but is unable to actually bend. The tower is generally made up of a web work of steel pipes and braces, creating a lot of strength, but relatively little actual substance. The tower is connected to four lines—these lines work independently of one another, allowing the derrick crane tower to move freely in any direction. A single fifth line hangs over the end of the tower and has a hook on the end. This line moves up and down and hooks onto items.

A derrick crane is often used to raise and lower items in a high location. This is especially common on high-rise buildings. Often, during the end phase of construction, a derrick crane is brought to the top of the building and assembled on the roof. The derrick then lowers the equipment to the ground, after which it is disassembled and brought down as well.

Another common location for a derrick crane is on shipping platforms. It is very common to find smaller derricks loading and unloading boats and trains in shipping yards. The crane remains in a fixed position on the platform or, occasionally, on the deck of the ship. Since the transports may come right up to the platform, the relative distance the cargo needs to move is very low—generally, just a few yards.

This crane operates using very specific physics principles. A derrick crane uses four lines with different origin points that come together at the end of the tower. This provides additional stability to the tower, as it is anchored in four locations, rather than just one like a normal crane. This also allows the crane free movement, as the lines can be brought in or out at different speeds, allowing the tower to move without sacrificing stability.

Derrick crane manufacturers and Scotch Derrick Crane from Jaipur, Rajasthan. We offer technologically advanced Derrick Crane, which is widely used in building construction sector and have been preferred by clients across the globe because of their robust construction and optimum and glitch free performance.

● Low cost, effective teaching
● Self-contained
● Bench mounted
● Direct readout of jib and tie loads by spring balances
● Demonstrate principles of equilibrium and polygon of forces


20-30 Ton

19 mtr

26 mtr

42 mtr


20 HP

20 HP

1  mtr/min. to 9 mtr/min.