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A chainsaw (or chain saw) is a portable mechanical saw, powered by electricity, compressed air, hydraulic power, or most commonly a two-stroke engine. It is used in activities such as tree felling, limbing, bucking, pruning, by tree surgeons to fell trees and remove branches and foliage, to fell snags and assist in cutting firebreaks in wildland fire suppression, and to harvest firewood. Chainsaws with specially designed bar and chain combinations have been developed as tools for use in chainsaw art. Specialist chainsaws are used for cutting concrete.

Working Principle
Chainsaw training is designed to provide working technical knowledge and skills to safely operate the equipment.

● Size up: This is scouting and planning safe cuts, before starting the saw.

● Felling: The aim is for the tree to fall safely for limbing and cross cutting the log. It includes considerations for lean, bend, wind, branches, obstacles, snow load and tree damage.The goal is to avoid letting the tree fall on another tree or obstacle. After clearing the tree’s base undergrowth for the retreat path and the felling direction; felling is properly done with three main cuts. To control the fall, the top and bottom cuts are made to form a wedged 45 degree hinge in the directional cut line. From the opposite side of the wedge, the felling cut is made horizontally and slightly above the bottom cut. When the hinge is properly set, the felling cut will begin the fall in the desired direction.

● Bucking: This is cross cutting the felled log into sections. Setup is made to avoid binding the chainsaw within the changing log tensions and compressions. Safe bucking is started at the log high side and then sections worked offside, toward the butt end. The offside log falls and allows for gravity to help prevent binds.

● Binds: This is when the chainsaw is at risk or is stuck in the log compression. A log bind chainsaw is not safe, and must be carefully removed to prevent equipment damage.

● Top bind: The tension area on log bottom, compression on top.

● Bottom bind: The tension area on log top, compression on bottom.

● Side bind: Sideways pressure exerted on log.

● End bind: Weight compresses the log’s entire cross section.

● Ease of Operation: Since studies show that an 18-inch chain bar bladed saw will fit close to 100 percent of the needed cutting chores around the average homeowner’s property, choosing an electric version may be the wise purchase. Overall, an electric chain saw is much easier to operate. All you need is a power source, turn the switch to the on position and you are cutting.

● Kickback: Additionally, safety chains included on electric models help to reduce the occurrence of kickbacks. Kickbacks happen when the blade tip runs into an object forcing the device to “kickback” at the operator. Electric saws are much less powerful than gas operated ones reducing the violence if a kickback occurs when operating the device.

●Fuel: You do not need any. Running on electricity makes for quicker recovery times because when a gas powered unit runs low on fuel, it needs to shut down and cool off before it can be refueled. Electric chain saws merely need to be plugged into an available power source.

● Starting: How about just turning the switch to “ON.” Gas operated models require engine priming and pulling a cords several times to get the machine started. Gas operated machines can get flooded – when too much gas flows to the carburetor. Electric chain saws never flood. Gasoline models also need a mixture of gas to oil and poor mixtures can keep the engine from starting. There are no fuel considerations starting an electric model.

● Noise: An electric chain saw makes incredibly less noise than its gasoline counterpart. Therefore, operations around and about your home will not disturb your neighbors anywhere near what a gas powered unit would.

● Storage: Electric chainsaws are so much easier to store than a gas powered model. This is especially true when it comes to long-term storage. Electric models sometimes come with convenient storage and or transport cases that make it simple to clean the machine and place it in the storage container. Gas-powered models require removing gas and oil from the machine and possibly removing a spark –plug as well before the device can be properly stored for period beyond 30 days.


40 HP

5 HP

3.8 M

1/4 HP

2 No

1 No